Wednesday, January 27, 2016


It's been a little bit since the newest STAR WARS movie came out  - Can I just say how awesome it was??? I LOVED IT!! So much better than the crap they came out with (Episodes I, II, & III)
In honor of one of my favorite charachters, may I present *YODA*   Easy peasy pattern.  I think it turned out great!!


So a friend of mine sent me a pic and asked me if I could make this owl cocoon. I found this really cute owl pattern and paid for it (reluctantly)... Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty crochet-savvy... and let's just say I didn't get passed the first two rows. Maybe you will have better luck??? Anywho, so I eyeballed it, and here's my end result:
My friend loved it! I must say, it's one of my favorites!